Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Mommas and Pappas

First off let me clarify I LOVE that families come in all shapes, sizes, kinds, varieties with different sets of parents, kids, and extended families.  So this is for ALL parents of all types!!
A friend recently posted a link on Facebook to a Huffington Post article titled "Quit pointing your avocado at me."  Which quickly got my attention mostly because I love avocados.  (Yes I'm a very food orientated human.)  So of course I clicked on the link and read away while my child was taking her swim lesson for the week...swim away little fishy this Momma is gonna relax and read!
What I read was all about self criticisim and concern that others were judging one's parenting.  Which all leads to feeling guilty and "bad" about parenting.  Well let's put an immediate STOP to that.  Seriously! 
The more we judge our selves the more painful emotions our mind creates and the more likely we are to make more mistakes.  More more more.  I know right!? 
How about parenting with joy, laughter, comfort and ease?  It is possible.  I am here to attest to this fact.  I stumbled upon Rapid Resolution Therapy® when my daughter was very small.  As well as an amazing parenting book "Screamfree Parenting by Hal Runkel."  RRT rid me of painful emotions that had been haunting me for decades and Screamfree showed me how my own "stuff" can cause me to parent in a way that I wasn't really looking to parent.  (Actually I read ScreamFree first then found RRT...but what ever)
I don't always make the perfect parenting decisions all the time.  However when I make a mistake I clear up my mistake quickly.  And do so with out all that lingering emotional junk that sometimes haunts people for years.  Moms, usually Moms more than Dads, think it's not possible to parent with out "Mom guilt."  It is.  And it's extremely freeing.  In doing so it gives a lot of space for connection with your children and others.  My child is not a saint.  She can have a fit with the best of them.  She observes me taking care of myself when my mind does get overly emotionally and she in turn is learning to take time to calm her emotional mind.  Thus we can just be together usually in an easy state of mind. 
She's only 5 at the time of my writing this.  I know that as she grows we will find more challenges to face together.  And we will have to adapt and change through out those challenges, doing so with a mind that is less emotional and more rational is likely to aid us in continuing to stay connected and loving. 
So give us a call!  Begin with a quick investment in yourself and your family!!
Be well, Be happy-
Tara S. Dickherber, LPC
Senior Certified Practitioner in Rapid Resolution Therapy®
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