Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Loved ones

I'm unsure why but as I read this I started thinking about the loved ones of those diagnosed with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).  PTSD shows up in many different ways and it's different for most of those who are dealing with it.  Not to deny the impact that PTSD has upon them but it also effects their loved ones. 
Loved ones can feel like they are walking on egg shells constantly.  They can feel hopeless and alone as they do everything they can think of and everything in their power to help their loved one who's dealing with all these different signs and symptoms.  Some even feel as if they have let their loved one down by not being able to "fix it." 
Not only can those who are suffering from PTSD benefit from Rapid Resolution Therapy® but so can their loved ones.  An RRT session offers them a chance to be heard and understood, time to learn more about PTSD and how the emotional mind effects their loved ones and them, and time to to heal their own painful emotions.  So if you or someone you know could benefit from RRT now is the perfect time to call!

Be well, Be happy-
Tara S. Dickherber, LPC
Senior Certified Practitioner in Rapid Resolution Therapy®
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