Monday, June 10, 2013

Time for change?

I used to run group therapy sessions for years.  As a group therapy facilitator I was no different than I am as an individual therapist, straight forward and to the point.  Many times people would come in and talk about the same problem over & over & over (this was before my certification training in Rapid Resolution Therapy®)  Of course myself and the other group therapy members would give feedback and suggestions about how to change, make improvements, or move on.  One day pretty much everyone in the group room got sick and tired of one particular client complaining about the same thing AGAIN.  And one of the client's said either change something or get happy with it.  And that then became the motto for my group, change something or get happy with it.  Ain't nobody got time for continued complaining about the same thing.
Fortunately through RRT I now have the knowledge, understanding, experience, and ability to help clients make those changes; whether it's sadness, guilt, grief, anger, or anxiety it can be changed.  The challenge is it has to be OK to be OK. 
Odd statement you say?   Well the truth be told sometimes people really don't want to be OK.  No seriously that happens all the time.  Especially when someone is angry or filled with grief, even sometimes guilt.  The assumption is if a client walks into my office they MUST want to be OK.  The reality is not always.  Sometimes people really think they should feel some painful emotion.  That's fine, but in my office if you don't want change then get happy with it.  I'm not that therapist who will sit with you week after week listening to someone complain about the same thing.  I'm not the hold your hand and console you while you cry therapist.  I'm a solution driven, problem solving, bulldozer of a therapist.  I'm looking to get to the heart of the issue, get my goal for where we are going and get you there...usually in 1 to 3 sessions which are all scheduled for 3 hours each.
So if your not happy it's time for a change, if your ready and excited about change give me a call!

Be well, Be happy-
Tara S. Dickherber, LPC
Senior Certified Practitioner in Rapid Resolution Therapy®
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